20241019 new update

This commit is contained in:
go2coding 2024-10-19 08:40:26 +08:00
parent 19e4ffa9d9
commit 1a92342ebc
2 changed files with 343 additions and 0 deletions

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## 2024-10-19
#### c#
* [Uahh / ToastFish](https://github.com/Uahh/ToastFish):一个利用摸鱼时间背单词的软件。
* [ErikEJ / EFCorePowerTools](https://github.com/ErikEJ/EFCorePowerTools):Entity Framework Core Power Tools - reverse engineering, migrations and model visualization in Visual Studio & CLI
#### c++
* [shader-slang / slang](https://github.com/shader-slang/slang):Making it easier to work with shaders
* [zxing-cpp / zxing-cpp](https://github.com/zxing-cpp/zxing-cpp):C++ port of ZXing
* [kokkos / kokkos](https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos):Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming Ecosystem: The Programming Model - Parallel Execution and Memory Abstraction
#### java
* [adorsys / keycloak-config-cli](https://github.com/adorsys/keycloak-config-cli):Import YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak - Configuration as Code for Keycloak.
#### rust
* [microsoft / openvmm](https://github.com/microsoft/openvmm):Home of OpenVMM and OpenHCL.
#### python
* [Guovin / TV](https://github.com/Guovin/TV):📺IPTV电视直播源更新工具🚀包含💰央视(付费)、📡卫视、🏠广东、🌊港·澳·台、🎬电影、🎥咪咕、🏀体育、🪁动画、🎮游戏、🎵音乐支持自定义增加频道含图标支持组播源、酒店源、订阅源、线上检索每天自动更新两次结果可用于TVBox等播放软件支持工作流、Docker(amd64/arm64)、命令行、软件界面多种部署/运行方式 | IPTV live TV source update tool
#### go
* [GreenmaskIO / greenmask](https://github.com/GreenmaskIO/greenmask):PostgreSQL database anonymization and synthetic data generation tool
#### TypeScript
* [langchain-ai / chat-langchain](https://github.com/langchain-ai/chat-langchain):

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@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
## 2024-10-19
#### c
* [Mbed-TLS / mbedtls](https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls):An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible TLS library, and reference implementation of the PSA Cryptography API. Releases are on a varying cadence, typically around 3 - 6 months between releases.
* [coolsnowwolf / lede](https://github.com/coolsnowwolf/lede):Lean's LEDE source
* [zmkfirmware / zmk](https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk):ZMK Firmware Repository
* [netero1010 / EDRSilencer](https://github.com/netero1010/EDRSilencer):A tool uses Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) to block Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents from reporting security events to the server.
* [microsoft / mimalloc](https://github.com/microsoft/mimalloc):mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
* [jqlang / jq](https://github.com/jqlang/jq):Command-line JSON processor
* [FreeRDP / FreeRDP](https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP):FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol library and clients
* [nanopb / nanopb](https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb):Protocol Buffers with small code size
* [nginx / nginx](https://github.com/nginx/nginx):The official NGINX Open Source repository.
* [bytecodealliance / wasm-micro-runtime](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime):WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
* [nrfconnect / sdk-zephyr](https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-zephyr):NCS downstream of https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr
* [confluentinc / librdkafka](https://github.com/confluentinc/librdkafka):The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
* [gentilkiwi / mimikatz](https://github.com/gentilkiwi/mimikatz):A little tool to play with Windows security
* [tianocore / edk2](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2):EDK II
* [u-boot / u-boot](https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot):"Das U-Boot" Source Tree
* [ThrowTheSwitch / Unity](https://github.com/ThrowTheSwitch/Unity):Simple Unit Testing for C
* [littlefs-project / littlefs](https://github.com/littlefs-project/littlefs):A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers
* [esnet / iperf](https://github.com/esnet/iperf):iperf3: A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
* [UberGuidoZ / Flipper](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper):Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
* [neutrinolabs / xrdp](https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp):xrdp: an open source RDP server
* [coturn / coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn):coturn TURN server project
* [eclipse / mosquitto](https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto):Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
* [openssl / openssl](https://github.com/openssl/openssl):TLS/SSL and crypto library
#### c#
* [bloxstraplabs / bloxstrap](https://github.com/bloxstraplabs/bloxstrap):An alternative bootstrapper for Roblox with a bunch of extra features.
* [egametang / ET](https://github.com/egametang/ET):Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework
* [MudBlazor / MudBlazor](https://github.com/MudBlazor/MudBlazor):Blazor Component Library based on Material design with an emphasis on ease of use. Mainly written in C# with Javascript kept to a bare minimum it empowers .NET developers to easily debug it if needed.
* [dotnet / aspire](https://github.com/dotnet/aspire):An opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications in .NET
* [btcpayserver / btcpayserver](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver):Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor.
* [PowerShell / PowerShell](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell):PowerShell for every system!
* [Azure-Samples / cognitive-services-speech-sdk](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk):Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK
* [Uahh / ToastFish](https://github.com/Uahh/ToastFish):一个利用摸鱼时间背单词的软件。
* [microsoft / kiota](https://github.com/microsoft/kiota):OpenAPI based HTTP Client code generator
* [1Remote / 1Remote](https://github.com/1Remote/1Remote):One Remote Access Manager to Rule Them All
* [Tyrrrz / DiscordChatExporter](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter):Exports Discord chat logs to a file
* [dotnet / efcore](https://github.com/dotnet/efcore):EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
* [abpframework / abp](https://github.com/abpframework/abp):Open-source web application framework for ASP.NET Core! Offers an opinionated architecture to build enterprise software solutions with best practices on top of the .NET. Provides the fundamental infrastructure, cross-cutting-concern implementations, startup templates, application modules, UI themes, tooling and documentation.
* [ChilliCream / graphql-platform](https://github.com/ChilliCream/graphql-platform):Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE.
* [jasontaylordev / CleanArchitecture](https://github.com/jasontaylordev/CleanArchitecture):Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core
* [DapperLib / Dapper](https://github.com/DapperLib/Dapper):Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net
* [elsa-workflows / elsa-core](https://github.com/elsa-workflows/elsa-core):A .NET workflows library
* [ErikEJ / EFCorePowerTools](https://github.com/ErikEJ/EFCorePowerTools):Entity Framework Core Power Tools - reverse engineering, migrations and model visualization in Visual Studio & CLI
* [MessagePack-CSharp / MessagePack-CSharp](https://github.com/MessagePack-CSharp/MessagePack-CSharp):Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). / msgpack.org[C#]
* [EventStore / EventStore](https://github.com/EventStore/EventStore):EventStoreDB, the event-native database. Designed for Event Sourcing, Event-Driven, and Microservices architectures
* [AzureAD / microsoft-identity-web](https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-identity-web):Helps creating protected web apps and web APIs with Microsoft identity platform and Azure AD B2C
#### c++
* [nlohmann / json](https://github.com/nlohmann/json):JSON for Modern C++
* [cocos / cocos-engine](https://github.com/cocos/cocos-engine):Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment.
* [iree-org / iree](https://github.com/iree-org/iree):A retargetable MLIR-based machine learning compiler and runtime toolkit.
* [kokkos / kokkos](https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos):Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming Ecosystem: The Programming Model - Parallel Execution and Memory Abstraction
* [electron / electron](https://github.com/electron/electron):Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
* [NVIDIA / cutlass](https://github.com/NVIDIA/cutlass):CUDA Templates for Linear Algebra Subroutines
* [google-ai-edge / mediapipe](https://github.com/google-ai-edge/mediapipe):Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
* [owasp-modsecurity / ModSecurity](https://github.com/owasp-modsecurity/ModSecurity):ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx. It has a robust event-based programming language which provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis.
* [pybind / pybind11](https://github.com/pybind/pybind11):Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
* [google / googletest](https://github.com/google/googletest):GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
* [google / or-tools](https://github.com/google/or-tools):Google's Operations Research tools:
* [redpanda-data / redpanda](https://github.com/redpanda-data/redpanda):Redpanda is a streaming data platform for developers. Kafka API compatible. 10x faster. No ZooKeeper. No JVM!
* [meshtastic / firmware](https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware):Meshtastic device firmware
* [zxing-cpp / zxing-cpp](https://github.com/zxing-cpp/zxing-cpp):C++ port of ZXing
* [shader-slang / slang](https://github.com/shader-slang/slang):Making it easier to work with shaders
* [envoyproxy / envoy](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy):Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
* [pytorch / executorch](https://github.com/pytorch/executorch):On-device AI across mobile, embedded and edge for PyTorch
* [uNetworking / uWebSockets](https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets):Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications
* [carla-simulator / carla](https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla):Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
* [tensorflow / tflite-micro](https://github.com/tensorflow/tflite-micro):Infrastructure to enable deployment of ML models to low-power resource-constrained embedded targets (including microcontrollers and digital signal processors).
#### java
* [krahets / hello-algo](https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo):《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新English version ongoing
* [quarkusio / quarkus](https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus):Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java.
* [apache / hadoop](https://github.com/apache/hadoop):Apache Hadoop
* [CodePhiliaX / Chat2DB](https://github.com/CodePhiliaX/Chat2DB):🔥🔥🔥AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
* [StarRocks / starrocks](https://github.com/StarRocks/starrocks):The world's fastest open query engine for sub-second analytics both on and off the data lakehouse. With the flexibility to support nearly any scenario, StarRocks provides best-in-class performance for multi-dimensional analytics, real-time analytics, and ad-hoc queries. A Linux Foundation project.
* [traccar / traccar](https://github.com/traccar/traccar):Traccar GPS Tracking System
* [comet-ml / opik](https://github.com/comet-ml/opik):Open-source end-to-end LLM Development Platform
* [spring-projects / spring-batch](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch):Spring Batch is a framework for writing batch applications using Java and Spring
* [keycloak / keycloak](https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak):Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
* [kestra-io / kestra](https://github.com/kestra-io/kestra):⚡ Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
* [redis / lettuce](https://github.com/redis/lettuce):Advanced Java Redis client for thread-safe sync, async, and reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, and codecs.
* [apache / pinot](https://github.com/apache/pinot):Apache Pinot - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore
* [JetBrains / intellij-community](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community):IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & IntelliJ Platform
* [jenkinsci / jenkins](https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins):Jenkins automation server
* [spring-projects / spring-framework](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework):Spring Framework
* [apache / dolphinscheduler](https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler):Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data orchestration platform. Agile to create high performance workflow with low-code
* [adorsys / keycloak-config-cli](https://github.com/adorsys/keycloak-config-cli):Import YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak - Configuration as Code for Keycloak.
* [openjdk / jdk](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk):JDK main-line development https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk
* [liquibase / liquibase](https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase):Main Liquibase Source
* [OpenAPITools / openapi-generator](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator):OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
* [dataease / dataease](https://github.com/dataease/dataease):🔥 人人可用的开源 BI 工具Tableau、帆软的开源替代。
* [provectus / kafka-ui](https://github.com/provectus/kafka-ui):Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka Management
#### Kotlin
* [ethereum-lists / chains](https://github.com/ethereum-lists/chains):provides metadata for chains
* [JetBrains / kotlin](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin):The Kotlin Programming Language.
* [getsentry / sentry-java](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-java):A Sentry SDK for Java, Android and other JVM languages.
* [Kotlin / kotlinx.coroutines](https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines):Library support for Kotlin coroutines
* [2dust / v2rayNG](https://github.com/2dust/v2rayNG):A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core
* [tiann / KernelSU](https://github.com/tiann/KernelSU):A Kernel based root solution for Android
* [mobile-dev-inc / maestro](https://github.com/mobile-dev-inc/maestro):Painless Mobile UI Automation
* [YenalyLiew / Han1meViewer](https://github.com/YenalyLiew/Han1meViewer):A Hanime1.me Application for Android.
* [square / okhttp](https://github.com/square/okhttp):Squares meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
* [android / architecture-samples](https://github.com/android/architecture-samples):A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
* [karasevm / PrivateDNSAndroid](https://github.com/karasevm/PrivateDNSAndroid):Quick settings tile to switch active private DNS server
* [deniscerri / ytdlnis](https://github.com/deniscerri/ytdlnis):Android Video/Audio Downloader app using yt-dlp
* [JunkFood02 / Seal](https://github.com/JunkFood02/Seal):🦭 Video/Audio Downloader for Android, based on yt-dlp, designed with Material You
* [JetBrains / Exposed](https://github.com/JetBrains/Exposed):Kotlin SQL Framework
* [android / compose-samples](https://github.com/android/compose-samples):Official Jetpack Compose samples.
* [nightscout / AndroidAPS](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS):Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
* [adrielcafe / voyager](https://github.com/adrielcafe/voyager):🛸 A pragmatic navigation library for Jetpack Compose
* [JetBrains / compose-multiplatform](https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform):Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
* [aws / aws-toolkit-jetbrains](https://github.com/aws/aws-toolkit-jetbrains):AWS Toolkit for JetBrains - a plugin for interacting with AWS from JetBrains IDEs
* [lottie-react-native / lottie-react-native](https://github.com/lottie-react-native/lottie-react-native):Lottie wrapper for React Native.
* [lizongying / my-tv-0](https://github.com/lizongying/my-tv-0):電視網絡視頻播放軟件,可以自定義視頻源
* [OxygenCobalt / Auxio](https://github.com/OxygenCobalt/Auxio):A simple, rational music player for android
#### Objective-C
* [react-native-maps / react-native-maps](https://github.com/react-native-maps/react-native-maps):React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
* [realm / realm-swift](https://github.com/realm/realm-swift):Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
* [getsentry / sentry-cocoa](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-cocoa):The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
* [keycastr / keycastr](https://github.com/keycastr/keycastr):KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
* [openid / AppAuth-iOS](https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-iOS):iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
* [adjust / ios_sdk](https://github.com/adjust/ios_sdk):This is the iOS SDK of
* [AzureAD / microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc](https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc):Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS
* [darlinghq / darling](https://github.com/darlinghq/darling):Darwin/macOS emulation layer for Linux
* [google / GoogleSignIn-iOS](https://github.com/google/GoogleSignIn-iOS):Enables iOS and macOS apps to sign in with Google.
* [OneSignal / OneSignal-iOS-SDK](https://github.com/OneSignal/OneSignal-iOS-SDK):OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your native iOS app with OneSignal. https://onesignal.com
* [SDWebImage / SDWebImage](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage):Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
* [react-native-voice / voice](https://github.com/react-native-voice/voice):🎤 React Native Voice Recognition library for iOS and Android (Online and Offline Support)
* [sunnyyoung / WeChatTweak-macOS](https://github.com/sunnyyoung/WeChatTweak-macOS):A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
* [WenchaoD / FSCalendar](https://github.com/WenchaoD/FSCalendar):A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
* [sparkle-project / Sparkle](https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle):A software update framework for macOS
* [Sequel-Ace / Sequel-Ace](https://github.com/Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace):MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
* [FLEXTool / FLEX](https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX):An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
* [google / promises](https://github.com/google/promises):Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
* [google / GoogleUtilities](https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities):
* [google / gtm-session-fetcher](https://github.com/google/gtm-session-fetcher):Google Toolbox for Mac - Session Fetcher
* [segmentio / analytics-ios](https://github.com/segmentio/analytics-ios):The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any iOS application.
#### php
* [filamentphp / filament](https://github.com/filamentphp/filament):A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
* [snipe / snipe-it](https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it):A free open source IT asset/license management system
* [danielmiessler / SecLists](https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists):SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more.
* [laravel / laravel](https://github.com/laravel/laravel):Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Weve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
* [nextcloud / all-in-one](https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one):📦 The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.
* [glpi-project / glpi](https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi):GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing.
* [Seldaek / monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog):Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
* [symfony / symfony](https://github.com/symfony/symfony):The Symfony PHP framework
* [composer / composer](https://github.com/composer/composer):Dependency Manager for PHP
* [librespeed / speedtest](https://github.com/librespeed/speedtest):Self-hosted Speed Test for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more
* [fuzzdb-project / fuzzdb](https://github.com/fuzzdb-project/fuzzdb):Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery.
* [Sylius / Sylius](https://github.com/Sylius/Sylius):Open Source eCommerce Framework on Symfony
* [RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge](https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge):The RSS feed for websites missing it
* [googleapis / google-api-php-client](https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client):A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs
* [dr5hn / countries-states-cities-database](https://github.com/dr5hn/countries-states-cities-database):🌍 Discover our global repository of countries, states, and cities! 🏙️ Get comprehensive data in JSON, SQL, PSQL, XML, YAML, and CSV formats. Access ISO2, ISO3 codes, country code, capital, native language, timezones (for countries), and more. #countries #states #cities
* [guzzle / guzzle](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle):Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client
* [barryvdh / laravel-ide-helper](https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper):IDE Helper for Laravel
* [rectorphp / rector](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector):Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
* [EasyCorp / EasyAdminBundle](https://github.com/EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle):EasyAdmin is a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications.
* [zabbix / zabbix](https://github.com/zabbix/zabbix):Real-time monitoring of IT components and services, such as networks, servers, VMs, applications and the cloud.
* [TYPO3 / typo3](https://github.com/TYPO3/typo3):The TYPO3 Core - Enterprise Content Management System. Synchronized mirror of https://review.typo3.org/q/project:Packages/TYPO3.CMS
* [Dolibarr / dolibarr](https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr):Dolibarr ERP CRM is a modern software package to manage your company or foundation's activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, accounting, ...). it's an open source Web application (written in PHP) designed for businesses of any sizes, foundations and freelancers.
#### rust
* [microsoft / openvmm](https://github.com/microsoft/openvmm):Home of OpenVMM and OpenHCL.
* [katanemo / arch](https://github.com/katanemo/arch):Arch is an intelligent prompt gateway. Engineered with (fast) LLMs for the secure handling, robust observability, and seamless integration of prompts with APIs - all outside business logic. Built by the core contributors of Envoy proxy, on Envoy.
* [apache / datafusion](https://github.com/apache/datafusion):Apache DataFusion SQL Query Engine
* [juspay / hyperswitch](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch):An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, reliable and affordable
* [neondatabase / neon](https://github.com/neondatabase/neon):Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
* [rustdesk / rustdesk](https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk):An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
* [pola-rs / polars](https://github.com/pola-rs/polars):Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust
* [eythaann / Seelen-UI](https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI):The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11.
* [openobserve / openobserve](https://github.com/openobserve/openobserve):🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
* [vectordotdev / vector](https://github.com/vectordotdev/vector):A high-performance observability data pipeline.
* [nushell / nushell](https://github.com/nushell/nushell):A new type of shell
* [TabbyML / tabby](https://github.com/TabbyML/tabby):Self-hosted AI coding assistant
* [glzr-io / glazewm](https://github.com/glzr-io/glazewm):GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
* [dani-garcia / vaultwarden](https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden):Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
* [huggingface / text-embeddings-inference](https://github.com/huggingface/text-embeddings-inference):A blazing fast inference solution for text embeddings models
* [solana-labs / solana-program-library](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library):A collection of Solana programs maintained by Solana Labs
* [lancedb / lancedb](https://github.com/lancedb/lancedb):Developer-friendly, serverless vector database for AI applications. Easily add long-term memory to your LLM apps!
* [paritytech / polkadot-sdk](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk):The Parity Polkadot Blockchain SDK
* [biomejs / biome](https://github.com/biomejs/biome):A toolchain for web projects, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome offers formatter and linter, usable via CLI and LSP.
* [sunface / rust-by-practice](https://github.com/sunface/rust-by-practice):Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev through challenging examples, exercises and projects.
* [delta-io / delta-rs](https://github.com/delta-io/delta-rs):A native Rust library for Delta Lake, with bindings into Python
* [achristmascarl / rainfrog](https://github.com/achristmascarl/rainfrog):🐸 a database management tui for postgres
* [firecracker-microvm / firecracker](https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker):Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
* [PyO3 / maturin](https://github.com/PyO3/maturin):Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
* [shadowsocks / shadowsocks-rust](https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-rust):A Rust port of shadowsocks
#### python
* [serengil / deepface](https://github.com/serengil/deepface):A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
* [TheAlgorithms / Python](https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Python):All Algorithms implemented in Python
* [vllm-project / vllm](https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm):A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
* [ArchiveBox / ArchiveBox](https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox):🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
* [frdel / agent-zero](https://github.com/frdel/agent-zero):Agent Zero AI framework
* [explodinggradients / ragas](https://github.com/explodinggradients/ragas):Supercharge Your LLM Application Evaluations 🚀
* [dbt-labs / dbt-core](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-core):dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
* [phidatahq / phidata](https://github.com/phidatahq/phidata):Build AI Agents with memory, knowledge, tools and reasoning
* [Guovin / TV](https://github.com/Guovin/TV):📺IPTV电视直播源更新工具🚀包含💰央视(付费)、📡卫视、🏠广东、🌊港·澳·台、🎬电影、🎥咪咕、🏀体育、🪁动画、🎮游戏、🎵音乐支持自定义增加频道含图标支持组播源、酒店源、订阅源、线上检索每天自动更新两次结果可用于TVBox等播放软件支持工作流、Docker(amd64/arm64)、命令行、软件界面多种部署/运行方式 | IPTV live TV source update tool
* [ComposioHQ / composio](https://github.com/ComposioHQ/composio):Composio equip's your AI agents & LLMs with 100+ high-quality integrations via function calling
* [PKU-YuanGroup / Open-Sora-Plan](https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan):This project aim to reproduce Sora (Open AI T2V model), we wish the open source community contribute to this project.
* [mlfoundations / open_clip](https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip):An open source implementation of CLIP.
* [mandiant / capa](https://github.com/mandiant/capa):The FLARE team's open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.
* [LmeSzinc / AzurLaneAutoScript](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript):Azur Lane bot (CN/EN/JP/TW) 碧蓝航线脚本 | 无缝委托科研,全自动大世界
* [openai / whisper](https://github.com/openai/whisper):Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
#### swift
* [argmaxinc / WhisperKit](https://github.com/argmaxinc/WhisperKit):On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
* [onevcat / Kingfisher](https://github.com/onevcat/Kingfisher):A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
* [pointfreeco / swift-composable-architecture](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture):A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
* [Alamofire / Alamofire](https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire):Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
* [pointfreeco / swift-snapshot-testing](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing):📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
* [nikitabobko / AeroSpace](https://github.com/nikitabobko/AeroSpace):AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
* [TheWidlarzGroup / react-native-video](https://github.com/TheWidlarzGroup/react-native-video):A <Video /> component for react-native
* [SnapKit / SnapKit](https://github.com/SnapKit/SnapKit):A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
* [ReactiveX / RxSwift](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift):Reactive Programming in Swift
* [ianyh / Amethyst](https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst):Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
* [stripe / stripe-ios](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-ios):Stripe iOS SDK
* [mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera](https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera):📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
* [airbnb / lottie-ios](https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios):An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
* [apple / swift-async-algorithms](https://github.com/apple/swift-async-algorithms):Async Algorithms for Swift
* [siteline / swiftui-introspect](https://github.com/siteline/swiftui-introspect):Introspect underlying UIKit/AppKit components from SwiftUI
* [securing / IOSSecuritySuite](https://github.com/securing/IOSSecuritySuite):iOS platform security & anti-tampering Swift library
* [apple / swift-nio](https://github.com/apple/swift-nio):Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
* [yonaskolb / XcodeGen](https://github.com/yonaskolb/XcodeGen):A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
* [facebook / facebook-ios-sdk](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk):Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
* [CodeEditApp / CodeEdit](https://github.com/CodeEditApp/CodeEdit):CodeEdit App for macOS Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
* [realm / SwiftLint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint):A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
#### javascript
* [twbs / bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap):The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
* [NginxProxyManager / nginx-proxy-manager](https://github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager):Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
* [trekhleb / javascript-algorithms](https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms):📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
* [meshery / meshery](https://github.com/meshery/meshery):Meshery, the cloud native manager
* [prebid / Prebid.js](https://github.com/prebid/Prebid.js):Setup and manage header bidding advertising partners without writing code or confusing line items. Prebid.js is open source and free.
* [plotly / plotly.js](https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js):Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash
* [alyssaxuu / screenity](https://github.com/alyssaxuu/screenity):The free and privacy-friendly screen recorder with no limits 🎥
* [appium / appium](https://github.com/appium/appium):Cross-platform automation framework for all kinds of apps, built on top of the W3C WebDriver protocol
* [exceljs / exceljs](https://github.com/exceljs/exceljs):Excel Workbook Manager
* [louislam / uptime-kuma](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma):A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
* [npm / cli](https://github.com/npm/cli):the package manager for JavaScript
* [FortAwesome / Font-Awesome](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome):The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
* [nodejs / undici](https://github.com/nodejs/undici):An HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js
* [UseInterstellar / Interstellar](https://github.com/UseInterstellar/Interstellar):One of the most popular modern web proxies with blazing fast speeds and a variety of games.
* [github / docs](https://github.com/github/docs):The open-source repo for docs.github.com
* [egonSchiele / grokking_algorithms](https://github.com/egonSchiele/grokking_algorithms):Code for the book Grokking Algorithms (https://amzn.to/29rVyHf)
* [OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts](https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts):OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
* [carbon-design-system / carbon](https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon):A design system built by IBM
* [apexcharts / apexcharts.js](https://github.com/apexcharts/apexcharts.js):📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG
* [zizifn / edgetunnel](https://github.com/zizifn/edgetunnel):Running V2ray inside edge/serverless runtime
#### go
* [stretchr / testify](https://github.com/stretchr/testify):A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library
* [projectcalico / calico](https://github.com/projectcalico/calico):Cloud native networking and network security
* [ollama / ollama](https://github.com/ollama/ollama):Get up and running with Llama 3.2, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
* [Melkeydev / go-blueprint](https://github.com/Melkeydev/go-blueprint):Go-blueprint allows users to spin up a quick Go project using a popular framework
* [gitleaks / gitleaks](https://github.com/gitleaks/gitleaks):Protect and discover secrets using Gitleaks 🔑
* [jackc / pgx](https://github.com/jackc/pgx):PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go
* [hashicorp / terraform-provider-aws](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws):The AWS Provider enables Terraform to manage AWS resources.
* [containerd / containerd](https://github.com/containerd/containerd):An open and reliable container runtime
* [kedacore / keda](https://github.com/kedacore/keda):KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
* [argoproj / argo-cd](https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd):Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
* [googleapis / google-cloud-go](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go):Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.
* [GreenmaskIO / greenmask](https://github.com/GreenmaskIO/greenmask):PostgreSQL database anonymization and synthetic data generation tool
* [siderolabs / talos](https://github.com/siderolabs/talos):Talos Linux is a modern Linux distribution built for Kubernetes.
* [grafana / alloy](https://github.com/grafana/alloy):OpenTelemetry Collector distribution with programmable pipelines
* [derailed / k9s](https://github.com/derailed/k9s):🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
* [redis / go-redis](https://github.com/redis/go-redis):Redis Go client
* [milvus-io / milvus](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus):A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications
* [minio / minio](https://github.com/minio/minio):MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
* [GoogleContainerTools / kaniko](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko):Build Container Images In Kubernetes
* [alibaba / higress](https://github.com/alibaba/higress):🤖 AI Gateway | AI Native API Gateway
* [coreybutler / nvm-windows](https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows):A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
* [grpc / grpc-go](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go):The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
* [gruntwork-io / terragrunt](https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt):Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/Terraform to scale.
#### TypeScript
* [electric-sql / pglite](https://github.com/electric-sql/pglite):Lightweight WASM Postgres with real-time, reactive bindings.
* [siyuan-note / siyuan](https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan):A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
* [hoppscotch / hoppscotch](https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch):Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
* [bluesky-social / social-app](https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app):The Bluesky Social application for Web, iOS, and Android
* [electron-userland / electron-builder](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder):A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
* [fingerprintjs / fingerprintjs](https://github.com/fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs):The most advanced browser fingerprinting library.
* [langchain-ai / chat-langchain](https://github.com/langchain-ai/chat-langchain):
* [jestjs / jest](https://github.com/jestjs/jest):Delightful JavaScript Testing.
* [honojs / hono](https://github.com/honojs/hono):Web framework built on Web Standards
* [drizzle-team / drizzle-orm](https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm):Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too 😅
* [ZuodaoTech / everyone-can-use-english](https://github.com/ZuodaoTech/everyone-can-use-english):人人都能用英语
* [directus / directus](https://github.com/directus/directus):The flexible backend for all your projects 🐰 Turn your DB into a headless CMS, admin panels, or apps with a custom UI, instant APIs, auth & more.
* [bluesky-social / atproto](https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto):Social networking technology created by Bluesky
* [ItzCrazyKns / Perplexica](https://github.com/ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica):Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
* [microsoft / vscode](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode):Visual Studio Code
* [prisma / prisma](https://github.com/prisma/prisma):Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
* [webdriverio / webdriverio](https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio):Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js
* [ant-design / ant-design](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design):An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
* [typescript-eslint / typescript-eslint](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint):✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
#### Vue
* [unovue / shadcn-vue](https://github.com/unovue/shadcn-vue):Vue port of shadcn-ui
* [primefaces / primevue](https://github.com/primefaces/primevue):Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
* [kailong321200875 / vue-element-plus-admin](https://github.com/kailong321200875/vue-element-plus-admin):A backend management system based on vue3, typescript, element-plus, and vite
* [0xJacky / nginx-ui](https://github.com/0xJacky/nginx-ui):Yet another WebUI for Nginx
* [zxwk1998 / vue-admin-better](https://github.com/zxwk1998/vue-admin-better):🎉 vue admin,vue3 admin,vue3.0 admin,vue后台管理,vue-admin,vue3.0-admin,admin,vue-admin,vue-element-admin,ant-design,vab admin pro,vab admin plus,vue admin plus,vue admin pro
* [vueComponent / ant-design-vue-pro](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue-pro):👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro! (vue2)
* [varletjs / varlet](https://github.com/varletjs/varlet):A Vue3 component library based on Material Design 2 and 3, supporting mobile and desktop.
* [ccfddl / ccf-deadlines](https://github.com/ccfddl/ccf-deadlines):⏰ Collaboratively track deadlines of conferences recommended by CCF (Website, Python Cli, Wechat Applet) / If you find it useful, please star this project, thanks~
* [yangzongzhuan / RuoYi-Vue3](https://github.com/yangzongzhuan/RuoYi-Vue3):🎉 (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBootSpring SecurityJWTVue3 & Vite、Element Plus 的前后端分离权限管理系统
* [vuejs-translations / docs-zh-cn](https://github.com/vuejs-translations/docs-zh-cn):Vue 文档官方中文翻译 Official Chinese translation for Vue docs
* [unovue / radix-vue](https://github.com/unovue/radix-vue):Vue port of Radix UI Primitives. An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps.
* [yudaocode / yudao-ui-admin-vue3](https://github.com/yudaocode/yudao-ui-admin-vue3):芋道管理后台,基于 Vue3 + Element Plus 实现,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城、CRM、ERP、AI 大模型等功能。
* [ijry / uview-plus](https://github.com/ijry/uview-plus):零云®uview-plus是uni-app全面兼容nvue的uni-app生态框架全面的组件和便捷的工具会让您信手拈来如鱼得水。
* [vueComponent / ant-design-vue](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue):🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
* [Akryum / vue-virtual-scroller](https://github.com/Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller):⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
* [donaldzou / WGDashboard](https://github.com/donaldzou/WGDashboard):Simple dashboard for WireGuard VPN written in Python & Vue.js
* [PanJiaChen / vue-element-admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin):🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
* [Moonofweisheng / wot-design-uni](https://github.com/Moonofweisheng/wot-design-uni):一个基于Vue3+TS开发的uni-app组件库提供70+高质量组件,支持暗黑模式、国际化和自定义主题。
* [DataV-Team / DataV](https://github.com/DataV-Team/DataV):Vue数据可视化组件库类似阿里DataV大屏数据展示提供SVG的边框及装饰、图表、水位图、飞线图等组件简单易用长期更新(React版已发布)
* [HalseySpicy / Geeker-Admin](https://github.com/HalseySpicy/Geeker-Admin):✨✨✨ Geeker Admin基于 Vue3.4、TypeScript、Vite5、Pinia、Element-Plus 开源的一套后台管理框架。
* [viarotel-org / escrcpy](https://github.com/viarotel-org/escrcpy):📱 Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron. - 使用图形化的 Scrcpy 显示和控制您的 Android 设备,由 Electron 驱动。
* [element-plus / element-plus-vite-starter](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus-vite-starter):🌰 A starter kit for Element Plus with Vite