20241119 new update

This commit is contained in:
go2coding 2024-11-19 08:40:30 +08:00
parent 872e615a54
commit c445ce10f9
2 changed files with 332 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
## 2024-11-19
#### c
* [libsndfile / libsndfile](https://github.com/libsndfile/libsndfile):A C library for reading and writing sound files containing sampled audio data.
* [mpc-hc / mpc-hc](https://github.com/mpc-hc/mpc-hc):MPC-HC's main repository. For support use our Trac: https://trac.mpc-hc.org/
#### c#
* [ncalc / ncalc](https://github.com/ncalc/ncalc):NCalc is a fast and lightweight expression evaluator library for .NET, designed for flexibility and high performance. It supports a wide range of mathematical and logical operations.
#### c++
* [crawl / crawl](https://github.com/crawl/crawl):Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup official repository
#### java
* [exteraSquad / exteraGram](https://github.com/exteraSquad/exteraGram):Telegram client based on Android sources with new features
#### Objective-C
* [spotify / ios-sdk](https://github.com/spotify/ios-sdk):Spotify SDK for iOS
#### php
* [php / pie](https://github.com/php/pie):The PHP Installer for Extensions
#### python
* [openwrt-xiaomi / xmir-patcher](https://github.com/openwrt-xiaomi/xmir-patcher):Firmware patcher for Xiaomi routers
* [pyro-ppl / numpyro](https://github.com/pyro-ppl/numpyro):Probabilistic programming with NumPy powered by JAX for autograd and JIT compilation to GPU/TPU/CPU.
#### swift
* [mRs- / Black-Friday-Deals](https://github.com/mRs-/Black-Friday-Deals):Black Friday Deals for macOS / iOS Software & Books
#### javascript
* [metowolf / vCards](https://github.com/metowolf/vCards):📡️ vCards 中国黄页 - 优化 iOS/Android 来电、信息界面体验
#### TypeScript
* [rckprtr / pumpdotfun-sdk](https://github.com/rckprtr/pumpdotfun-sdk):PumpDotFun SDK
#### Vue
* [imsyy / vitepress-theme-curve](https://github.com/imsyy/vitepress-theme-curve):🎉 A Simple VitePress Theme | 一个极简的 VitePress 主题

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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
## 2024-11-19
#### c
* [libsdl-org / SDL](https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL):Simple Directmedia Layer
* [lvgl / lvgl](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl):Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
* [tmux / tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux):tmux source code
* [mpv-player / mpv](https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv):🎥 Command line video player
* [brunodev85 / winlator](https://github.com/brunodev85/winlator):Android application for running Windows applications with Wine and Box86/Box64
* [qmk / qmk_firmware](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware):Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
* [raysan5 / raylib](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib):A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
* [espressif / esp-idf](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf):Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs.
* [TsudaKageyu / minhook](https://github.com/TsudaKageyu/minhook):The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows
* [fw876 / helloworld](https://github.com/fw876/helloworld):
* [bol-van / zapret](https://github.com/bol-van/zapret):DPI bypass multi platform
* [lizongying / my-tv](https://github.com/lizongying/my-tv):我的电视 电视直播软件,安装即可使用
* [xemu-project / xemu](https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu):Original Xbox Emulator for Windows, macOS, and Linux (Active Development)
* [freebsd / freebsd-src](https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-src):The FreeBSD src tree publish-only repository. Experimenting with 'simple' pull requests....
* [arendst / Tasmota](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota):Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
* [libsndfile / libsndfile](https://github.com/libsndfile/libsndfile):A C library for reading and writing sound files containing sampled audio data.
* [libbpf / libbpf](https://github.com/libbpf/libbpf):Automated upstream mirror for libbpf stand-alone build.
* [acidanthera / OpenCorePkg](https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg):OpenCore bootloader
* [bellard / quickjs](https://github.com/bellard/quickjs):Public repository of the QuickJS Javascript Engine.
* [mpc-hc / mpc-hc](https://github.com/mpc-hc/mpc-hc):MPC-HC's main repository. For support use our Trac: https://trac.mpc-hc.org/
* [Cyan4973 / xxHash](https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash):Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
* [UberGuidoZ / Flipper](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper):Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
* [fastfetch-cli / fastfetch](https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch):A maintained, feature-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool.
#### c#
* [2dust / v2rayN](https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN):A GUI client for Windows and Linux, support Xray core and v2fly core and others
* [jellyfin / jellyfin](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin):The Free Software Media System
* [goatcorp / Dalamud](https://github.com/goatcorp/Dalamud):FFXIV plugin framework and API
* [shaked6540 / YoutubePlaylistDownloader](https://github.com/shaked6540/YoutubePlaylistDownloader):A tool to download whole playlists, channels or single videos from youtube and also optionally convert them to almost any format you would like
* [leiurayer / downkyi](https://github.com/leiurayer/downkyi):哔哩下载姬downkyi哔哩哔哩网站视频下载工具支持批量下载支持8K、HDR、杜比视界提供工具箱音视频提取、去水印等
* [Danily07 / Translumo](https://github.com/Danily07/Translumo):Advanced real-time screen translator for games, hardcoded subtitles in videos, static text and etc.
* [ppy / osu](https://github.com/ppy/osu):rhythm is just a *click* away!
* [goatcorp / FFXIVQuickLauncher](https://github.com/goatcorp/FFXIVQuickLauncher):Custom launcher for FFXIV
* [QuantConnect / Lean](https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean):Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (Python, C#)
* [MonoGame / MonoGame](https://github.com/MonoGame/MonoGame):One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
* [dockersamples / example-voting-app](https://github.com/dockersamples/example-voting-app):Example distributed app composed of multiple containers for Docker, Compose, Swarm, and Kubernetes
* [RayWangQvQ / BiliBiliToolPro](https://github.com/RayWangQvQ/BiliBiliToolPro):B 站bilibili自动任务工具支持docker、青龙、k8s等多种部署方式。敏感肌也能用。
* [microsoft / kernel-memory](https://github.com/microsoft/kernel-memory):RAG architecture: index and query any data using LLM and natural language, track sources, show citations, asynchronous memory patterns.
* [Flow-Launcher / Flow.Launcher](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher):🔍 Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins
* [ncalc / ncalc](https://github.com/ncalc/ncalc):NCalc is a fast and lightweight expression evaluator library for .NET, designed for flexibility and high performance. It supports a wide range of mathematical and logical operations.
* [PunishXIV / Artisan](https://github.com/PunishXIV/Artisan):A 'simple' crafting plugin.
* [space-wizards / space-station-14](https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14):A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
* [dotnet / aspnetcore](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore):ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
* [LagrangeDev / Lagrange.Core](https://github.com/LagrangeDev/Lagrange.Core):An Implementation of NTQQ Protocol, with Pure C#, Derived from Konata.Core
* [Sonarr / Sonarr](https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr):Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users.
#### c++
* [nillerusr / source-engine](https://github.com/nillerusr/source-engine):Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
* [ml-explore / mlx](https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx):MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon
* [topjohnwu / Magisk](https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk):The Magic Mask for Android
* [deskflow / deskflow](https://github.com/deskflow/deskflow):Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video).
* [CleverRaven / Cataclysm-DDA](https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA):Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
* [official-stockfish / Stockfish](https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish):A free and strong UCI chess engine
* [barry-ran / QtScrcpy](https://github.com/barry-ran/QtScrcpy):Android real-time display control software
* [KhronosGroup / Vulkan-Samples](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Samples):One stop solution for all Vulkan samples
* [FastLED / FastLED](https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED):The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: http://fastled.io/r We'd like to use github "issues" just for tracking library bugs / enhancements.
* [MAZHARMIK / Interview_DS_Algo](https://github.com/MAZHARMIK/Interview_DS_Algo):Super Repository for Coding Interview Preperation
* [aria2 / aria2](https://github.com/aria2/aria2):aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.
* [ocornut / imgui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui):Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
* [moonlight-stream / moonlight-qt](https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-qt):GameStream client for PCs (Windows, Mac, Linux, and Steam Link)
* [LizardByte / Sunshine](https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine):Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
* [ethereum / solidity](https://github.com/ethereum/solidity):Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
* [ggerganov / llama.cpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp):LLM inference in C/C++
* [MarlinFirmware / Marlin](https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin):Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
* [fxsound2 / fxsound-app](https://github.com/fxsound2/fxsound-app):FxSound application and DSP source code
* [qbittorrent / qBittorrent](https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent):qBittorrent BitTorrent client
* [SFML / SFML](https://github.com/SFML/SFML):Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
* [aseprite / aseprite](https://github.com/aseprite/aseprite):Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
* [crawl / crawl](https://github.com/crawl/crawl):Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup official repository
* [hyprwm / Hyprland](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland):Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
#### java
* [krahets / hello-algo](https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo):《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新English version ongoing
* [PaperMC / Paper](https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper):The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
* [DrKLO / Telegram](https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram):Telegram for Android source
* [Anuken / Mindustry](https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry):The automation tower defense RTS
* [LawnchairLauncher / lawnchair](https://github.com/LawnchairLauncher/lawnchair):No clever tagline needed.
* [NationalSecurityAgency / ghidra](https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra):Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
* [yuliskov / SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube):SmartTube - an advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
* [termux / termux-app](https://github.com/termux/termux-app):Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
* [runelite / runelite](https://github.com/runelite/runelite):Open source Old School RuneScape client
* [apache / maven](https://github.com/apache/maven):Apache Maven core
* [spring-projects / spring-boot](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot):Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
* [traccar / traccar](https://github.com/traccar/traccar):Traccar GPS Tracking System
* [neoforged / NeoForge](https://github.com/neoforged/NeoForge):Neo Modding API for Minecraft, based on Forge
* [Dev4Mod / WaEnhancer](https://github.com/Dev4Mod/WaEnhancer):WhatsApp tools for Android
* [microg / GmsCore](https://github.com/microg/GmsCore):Free implementation of Play Services
* [FCL-Team / FoldCraftLauncher](https://github.com/FCL-Team/FoldCraftLauncher):Fold Craft Launcher, an Android Minecraft : Java Edition launcher.
* [exteraSquad / exteraGram](https://github.com/exteraSquad/exteraGram):Telegram client based on Android sources with new features
* [MuntashirAkon / AppManager](https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/AppManager):A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
* [MovTery / ZalithLauncher](https://github.com/MovTery/ZalithLauncher):Zalith Launcher is a Minecraft launcher developed based on PojavLauncher, capable of running Minecraft: Java Edition on Android devices.
* [JabRef / jabref](https://github.com/JabRef/jabref):Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases
#### Kotlin
* [keiyoushi / extensions-source](https://github.com/keiyoushi/extensions-source):Source code of extensions for Tachiyomi/Mihon and variants.
* [amir1376 / ab-download-manager](https://github.com/amir1376/ab-download-manager):A Download Manager that speeds up your downloads
* [recloudstream / cloudstream](https://github.com/recloudstream/cloudstream):Android app for streaming and downloading media.
* [aniyomiorg / aniyomi](https://github.com/aniyomiorg/aniyomi):An app for manga and anime
* [JunkFood02 / Seal](https://github.com/JunkFood02/Seal):🦭 Video/Audio Downloader for Android, based on yt-dlp, designed with Material You
* [home-assistant / android](https://github.com/home-assistant/android):📱 Home Assistant Companion for Android
* [VREMSoftwareDevelopment / WiFiAnalyzer](https://github.com/VREMSoftwareDevelopment/WiFiAnalyzer):Android application to analyze WiFi signals.
* [Nain57 / Smart-AutoClicker](https://github.com/Nain57/Smart-AutoClicker):An open-source auto clicker on images for Android
* [libre-tube / LibreTube](https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube):An alternative frontend for YouTube, for Android.
* [FooIbar / EhViewer](https://github.com/FooIbar/EhViewer):EhViewer overhauled with Material Design 3 and more, forked from https://github.com/Ehviewer-Overhauled/Ehviewer
* [gedoor / legado](https://github.com/gedoor/legado):Legado 3.0 Book Reader with powerful controls & full functions❤阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。
* [CCBlueX / LiquidBounce](https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce):A free mixin-based injection hacked client for Minecraft using the Fabric API
* [mpv-android / mpv-android](https://github.com/mpv-android/mpv-android):#mpv-android @ libera.chat
* [2dust / v2rayNG](https://github.com/2dust/v2rayNG):A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core
* [ReVanced / revanced-patches](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches):🧩 Patches for ReVanced
* [jarnedemeulemeester / findroid](https://github.com/jarnedemeulemeester/findroid):Third-party native Jellyfin Android app
* [d4rken-org / sdmaid-se](https://github.com/d4rken-org/sdmaid-se):SD Maid 2/SE is Android's most thorough cleaning tool.
* [zacharee / InstallWithOptions](https://github.com/zacharee/InstallWithOptions):Simple-ish app using Shizuku to install APKs on-device with advanced options
#### Objective-C
* [PojavLauncherTeam / PojavLauncher_iOS](https://github.com/PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher_iOS):A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This repository contains source code for iOS/iPadOS platform.
* [opa334 / TrollStore](https://github.com/opa334/TrollStore):Jailed iOS app that can install IPAs permanently with arbitary entitlements and root helpers because it trolls Apple
* [benbaker76 / Hackintool](https://github.com/benbaker76/Hackintool):The Swiss army knife of vanilla Hackintoshing
* [FLEXTool / FLEX](https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX):An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
* [noah-nuebling / mac-mouse-fix](https://github.com/noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix):Mac Mouse Fix - Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!
* [syncthing / syncthing-macos](https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-macos):Official frugal and native macOS Syncthing application bundle
* [gnustep / libs-base](https://github.com/gnustep/libs-base):The GNUstep Base Library is a library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects.
* [joeldev / JLRoutes](https://github.com/joeldev/JLRoutes):URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
* [AzureAD / microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc](https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc):Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS
* [Hammerspoon / hammerspoon](https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon):Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua
* [gnustep / libs-gui](https://github.com/gnustep/libs-gui):The GNUstep gui library is a library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon Apple's Cocoa framework (which came from the OpenStep specification). *** Larger patches require copyright assignment to FSF. please file bugs here. ***
* [spotify / ios-sdk](https://github.com/spotify/ios-sdk):Spotify SDK for iOS
* [jspahrsummers / libextobjc](https://github.com/jspahrsummers/libextobjc):A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
* [uber / ios-snapshot-test-case](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case):Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
#### php
* [pterodactyl / panel](https://github.com/pterodactyl/panel):Pterodactyl® is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
* [akaunting / akaunting](https://github.com/akaunting/akaunting):Online Accounting Software
* [RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge](https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge):The RSS feed for websites missing it
* [php / pie](https://github.com/php/pie):The PHP Installer for Extensions
* [nextcloud / all-in-one](https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one):📦 The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.
* [PrivateBin / PrivateBin](https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin):A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.
* [twigphp / Twig](https://github.com/twigphp/Twig):Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
* [monicahq / monica](https://github.com/monicahq/monica):Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.
* [firefly-iii / firefly-iii](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii):Firefly III: a personal finances manager
* [shlinkio / shlink](https://github.com/shlinkio/shlink):The definitive self-hosted URL shortener
* [pmmp / PocketMine-MP](https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP):A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP
* [PHPMailer / PHPMailer](https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer):The classic email sending library for PHP
* [nWidart / laravel-modules](https://github.com/nWidart/laravel-modules):Module Management In Laravel
* [nextcloud / server](https://github.com/nextcloud/server):☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
* [assimon / dujiaoka](https://github.com/assimon/dujiaoka):🦄独角数卡(自动售货系统)-开源站长自动化售货解决方案、高效、稳定、快速!🚀🚀🎉🎉
* [FreshRSS / FreshRSS](https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS):A free, self-hostable news aggregator…
* [ellite / Wallos](https://github.com/ellite/Wallos):Wallos: Open-Source Personal Subscription Tracker
* [symfony / symfony](https://github.com/symfony/symfony):The Symfony PHP framework
* [ZoneMinder / zoneminder](https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder):ZoneMinder is a free, open source Closed-circuit television software application developed for Linux which supports IP, USB and Analog cameras.
* [kanboard / kanboard](https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard):Kanban project management software
* [filamentphp / filament](https://github.com/filamentphp/filament):A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
* [coollabsio / coolify](https://github.com/coollabsio/coolify):An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.
#### rust
* [uutils / coreutils](https://github.com/uutils/coreutils):Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
* [lencx / ChatGPT](https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT):🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
* [glzr-io / glazewm](https://github.com/glzr-io/glazewm):GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
* [typst / typst](https://github.com/typst/typst):A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
* [helix-editor / helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix):A post-modern modal text editor.
* [zellij-org / zellij](https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij):A terminal workspace with batteries included
* [solana-labs / solana-program-library](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library):A collection of Solana programs maintained by Solana Labs
* [rust-lang / book](https://github.com/rust-lang/book):The Rust Programming Language
* [DioxusLabs / dioxus](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/dioxus):Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
* [gitbutlerapp / gitbutler](https://github.com/gitbutlerapp/gitbutler):The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
* [rust-lang / rustlings](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings):🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
* [librespot-org / librespot](https://github.com/librespot-org/librespot):Open Source Spotify client library
* [leptos-rs / leptos](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos):Build fast web applications with Rust.
* [emilk / egui](https://github.com/emilk/egui):egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web and native
* [openobserve / openobserve](https://github.com/openobserve/openobserve):🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
* [sunface / rust-by-practice](https://github.com/sunface/rust-by-practice):Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev through challenging examples, exercises and projects.
* [lapce / lapce](https://github.com/lapce/lapce):Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
* [tsukinaha / tsukimi](https://github.com/tsukinaha/tsukimi):A simple third-party Emby client
* [MystenLabs / sui](https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui):Sui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
* [tracel-ai / burn](https://github.com/tracel-ai/burn):Burn is a new comprehensive dynamic Deep Learning Framework built using Rust with extreme flexibility, compute efficiency and portability as its primary goals.
* [mediar-ai / screenpipe](https://github.com/mediar-ai/screenpipe):rewind.ai x cursor.com = your AI assistant that has all the context. 24/7 screen & voice recording for the age of super intelligence. get your data ready or be left behind
* [spaceandtimelabs / sxt-proof-of-sql](https://github.com/spaceandtimelabs/sxt-proof-of-sql):Space and Time | Proof of SQL
* [solana-labs / solana](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana):Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
* [bevyengine / bevy](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy):A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
#### python
* [freqtrade / freqtrade](https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade):Free, open source crypto trading bot
* [xtekky / gpt4free](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free):The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
* [comfyanonymous / ComfyUI](https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI):The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
* [blacklanternsecurity / bbot](https://github.com/blacklanternsecurity/bbot):A recursive internet scanner for hackers.
* [NVIDIA / garak](https://github.com/NVIDIA/garak):the LLM vulnerability scanner
* [yt-dlp / yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp):A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
* [AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui):Stable Diffusion web UI
* [sherlock-project / sherlock](https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock):Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
* [phidatahq / phidata](https://github.com/phidatahq/phidata):Build AI Agents with memory, knowledge, tools and reasoning. Chat with them using a beautiful Agent UI.
* [NexaAI / nexa-sdk](https://github.com/NexaAI/nexa-sdk):Nexa SDK is a comprehensive toolkit for supporting ONNX and GGML models. It supports text generation, image generation, vision-language models (VLM), auto-speech-recognition (ASR), and text-to-speech (TTS) capabilities.
* [ccxt / ccxt](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt):A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
* [fixie-ai / ultravox](https://github.com/fixie-ai/ultravox):A fast multimodal LLM for real-time voice
* [openwrt-xiaomi / xmir-patcher](https://github.com/openwrt-xiaomi/xmir-patcher):Firmware patcher for Xiaomi routers
* [searxng / searxng](https://github.com/searxng/searxng):SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
* [ManimCommunity / manim](https://github.com/ManimCommunity/manim):A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
* [pyro-ppl / numpyro](https://github.com/pyro-ppl/numpyro):Probabilistic programming with NumPy powered by JAX for autograd and JIT compilation to GPU/TPU/CPU.
* [archlinux / archinstall](https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall):Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc.
* [bmaltais / kohya_ss](https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss):
* [donnemartin / system-design-primer](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer):Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
#### swift
* [AudioKit / AudioKit](https://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit):Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
* [whoeevee / EeveeSpotify](https://github.com/whoeevee/EeveeSpotify):A tweak to get Spotify Premium for free, just like Spotilife
* [argmaxinc / WhisperKit](https://github.com/argmaxinc/WhisperKit):On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
* [khcrysalis / Feather](https://github.com/khcrysalis/Feather):Feather is a free on-device iOS application manager/installer, using certificates part of the Apple Developer Program.
* [PlayCover / PlayCover](https://github.com/PlayCover/PlayCover):Community fork of PlayCover
* [AppHouseKitchen / AlDente-Charge-Limiter](https://github.com/AppHouseKitchen/AlDente-Charge-Limiter):Menubar Tool to set Charge Limits and Prolong Battery Lifespan
* [Whisky-App / Whisky](https://github.com/Whisky-App/Whisky):A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI
* [XITRIX / iTorrent](https://github.com/XITRIX/iTorrent):Torrent client for iOS 16+
* [vapor / vapor](https://github.com/vapor/vapor):💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
* [exyte / PopupView](https://github.com/exyte/PopupView):Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI
* [SwiftyJSON / SwiftyJSON](https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON):The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
* [elai950 / AlertToast](https://github.com/elai950/AlertToast):Create Apple-like alerts & toasts using SwiftUI
* [altstoreio / AltStore](https://github.com/altstoreio/AltStore):AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
* [home-assistant / iOS](https://github.com/home-assistant/iOS):📱 Home Assistant for Apple platforms
* [apple / swift-log](https://github.com/apple/swift-log):A Logging API for Swift
* [exelban / stats](https://github.com/exelban/stats):macOS system monitor in your menu bar
* [TelegramMessenger / Telegram-iOS](https://github.com/TelegramMessenger/Telegram-iOS):Telegram-iOS
* [mRs- / Black-Friday-Deals](https://github.com/mRs-/Black-Friday-Deals):Black Friday Deals for macOS / iOS Software & Books
* [apple / swift-collections](https://github.com/apple/swift-collections):Commonly used data structures for Swift
#### javascript
* [4ian / GDevelop](https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop):🎮 Open-source, cross-platform 2D/3D/multiplayer game engine designed for everyone.
* [openwrt / luci](https://github.com/openwrt/luci):LuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface
* [blackmatrix7 / ios_rule_script](https://github.com/blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script):分流规则、重写写规则及脚本。
* [Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt):Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
* [academicpages / academicpages.github.io](https://github.com/academicpages/academicpages.github.io):Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
* [kolbytn / mindcraft](https://github.com/kolbytn/mindcraft):
* [gorhill / uBlock](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock):uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
* [github / docs](https://github.com/github/docs):The open-source repo for docs.github.com
* [metowolf / vCards](https://github.com/metowolf/vCards):📡️ vCards 中国黄页 - 优化 iOS/Android 来电、信息界面体验
* [jellyfin / jellyfin-web](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-web):Web Client for Jellyfin
* [pmndrs / drei](https://github.com/pmndrs/drei):🥉 useful helpers for react-three-fiber
* [simple-icons / simple-icons](https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons):SVG icons for popular brands
* [ltdrdata / ComfyUI-Manager](https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager):ComfyUI-Manager is an extension designed to enhance the usability of ComfyUI. It offers management functions to install, remove, disable, and enable various custom nodes of ComfyUI. Furthermore, this extension provides a hub feature and convenience functions to access a wide range of information within ComfyUI.
* [Mintplex-Labs / anything-llm](https://github.com/Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm):The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, and more.
* [poteto / hiring-without-whiteboards](https://github.com/poteto/hiring-without-whiteboards):⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
* [zloirock / core-js](https://github.com/zloirock/core-js):Standard Library
* [airbnb / javascript](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript):JavaScript Style Guide
* [wg-easy / wg-easy](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy):The easiest way to run WireGuard VPN + Web-based Admin UI.
#### go
* [usememos / memos](https://github.com/usememos/memos):An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
* [terrastruct / d2](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2):D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
* [m1k1o / neko](https://github.com/m1k1o/neko):A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
* [AdguardTeam / AdGuardHome](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome):Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
* [VictoriaMetrics / VictoriaMetrics](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics):VictoriaMetrics: fast, cost-effective monitoring solution and time series database
* [jeessy2 / ddns-go](https://github.com/jeessy2/ddns-go):Simple and easy to use DDNS. Support Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, Dnspod, Cloudflare, Callback, Huawei Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Porkbun, GoDaddy, Namecheap, NameSilo...
* [JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh](https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh):The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
* [sundowndev / phoneinfoga](https://github.com/sundowndev/phoneinfoga):Information gathering framework for phone numbers
* [ollama / ollama](https://github.com/ollama/ollama):Get up and running with Llama 3.2, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
* [evcc-io / evcc](https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc):Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
* [danielmiessler / fabric](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric):fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
* [XIU2 / CloudflareSpeedTest](https://github.com/XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest):🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~
* [jesusprubio / up](https://github.com/jesusprubio/up):📶 Troubleshoot problems with your Internet connection
* [wailsapp / wails](https://github.com/wailsapp/wails):Create beautiful applications using Go
* [XTLS / Xray-core](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core):Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
* [traefik / traefik](https://github.com/traefik/traefik):The Cloud Native Application Proxy
* [amir20 / dozzle](https://github.com/amir20/dozzle):Realtime log viewer for docker containers.
* [v2fly / v2ray-core](https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core):A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
* [netbirdio / netbird](https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird):Connect your devices into a secure WireGuard®-based overlay network with SSO, MFA and granular access controls.
* [trustwallet / assets](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets):A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
* [owasp-amass / amass](https://github.com/owasp-amass/amass):In-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery
* [ethereum / go-ethereum](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum):Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
* [rook / rook](https://github.com/rook/rook):Storage Orchestration for Kubernetes
#### TypeScript
* [ItzCrazyKns / Perplexica](https://github.com/ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica):Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
* [motiondivision / motion](https://github.com/motiondivision/motion):A modern animation library for React and JavaScript
* [ai16z / eliza](https://github.com/ai16z/eliza):Conversational Agent for Twitter and Discord
* [excalidraw / excalidraw](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw):Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
* [lobehub / lobe-chat](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat):🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Azure / DeepSeek), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge management / RAG ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS) and plugin system. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT/ Claude application.
* [bluesky-social / feed-generator](https://github.com/bluesky-social/feed-generator):ATProto Feed Generator Starter Kit
* [udecode / plate](https://github.com/udecode/plate):A rich-text editor powered by AI
* [midday-ai / midday](https://github.com/midday-ai/midday):Run your business smarter 🪄
* [typescript-eslint / typescript-eslint](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint):✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
* [bluesky-social / social-app](https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app):The Bluesky Social application for Web, iOS, and Android
* [bluesky-social / atproto](https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto):Social networking technology created by Bluesky
* [home-assistant / frontend](https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend):🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
* [ZuodaoTech / everyone-can-use-english](https://github.com/ZuodaoTech/everyone-can-use-english):人人都能用英语
* [supabase / supabase](https://github.com/supabase/supabase):The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
* [molvqingtai / WebChat](https://github.com/molvqingtai/WebChat):💬 Chat with anyone on any website.
* [toeverything / AFFiNE](https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE):There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE(pronounced [əfain]) is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use.
* [solana-labs / solana-web3.js](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-web3.js):Solana JavaScript SDK
* [rckprtr / pumpdotfun-sdk](https://github.com/rckprtr/pumpdotfun-sdk):PumpDotFun SDK
* [freeCodeCamp / freeCodeCamp](https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp):freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
#### Vue
* [AutomaApp / automa](https://github.com/AutomaApp/automa):A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
* [requarks / wiki](https://github.com/requarks/wiki):Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
* [imsyy / vitepress-theme-curve](https://github.com/imsyy/vitepress-theme-curve):🎉 A Simple VitePress Theme | 一个极简的 VitePress 主题
* [crmeb / CRMEB](https://github.com/crmeb/CRMEB):🔥CRMEB开源商城免费开源多语言商城系统Tp6框架商城系统可商用包含小程序商城、H5商城、公众号商城、PC商城、App支持分销、拼团、砍价、秒杀、优惠券、积分、会员等级、小程序直播、页面DIY前后端分离方便二开更有详细使用文档、接口文档、数据字典、二开文档/视频教程,欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议
* [liyupi / codefather](https://github.com/liyupi/codefather):程序员鱼皮的编程宝典。原创编程学习路线,包括经验分享、技术知识、学习资源、学习建议、项目等,适用于所有学习编程 & 求职的同学。已完成 Java、前端
* [dullage / flatnotes](https://github.com/dullage/flatnotes):A self-hosted, database-less note taking web app that utilises a flat folder of markdown files for storage.
* [0xJacky / nginx-ui](https://github.com/0xJacky/nginx-ui):Yet another WebUI for Nginx
* [RikkaApps / websites](https://github.com/RikkaApps/websites):Websites for Rikka apps.
* [pulsejet / memories](https://github.com/pulsejet/memories):Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
* [imsyy / home](https://github.com/imsyy/home):个人主页我的个人主页个人主页源码主页模板homepage
* [hslr-s / sun-panel](https://github.com/hslr-s/sun-panel):A server, NAS navigation panel, Homepage, browser homepage. | 一个服务器、NAS导航面板、Homepage、浏览器首页。
* [alireza0 / s-ui](https://github.com/alireza0/s-ui):An advanced Web Panel • Built for SagerNet/Sing-Box
* [vbenjs / vue-vben-admin](https://github.com/vbenjs/vue-vben-admin):A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
* [JustArchiNET / ASF-ui](https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ASF-ui):The official web interface for ASF
* [pipipi-pikachu / PPTist](https://github.com/pipipi-pikachu/PPTist):An online presentation application that replicates most of the commonly used features of Microsoft Office PowerPoint, allowing for the editing and presentation of PPT online. It also supports the export of PPT files.
* [doocs / md](https://github.com/doocs/md):✍ WeChat Markdown Editor | 一款高度简洁的微信 Markdown 编辑器:支持 Markdown 语法、色盘取色、多图上传、一键下载文档、自定义 CSS 样式、一键重置等特性