# Kickstarter Supporters This file contains a list of the awesome people who gave £5 or more to [our Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/homebrew/brew-test-bot). This list is still incomplete as we need addresses for everyone who receives a physical reward. Kickstarter recommends asking only when we are ready to ship (to avoid changes of address) so we can't ask for more names/URLs until then. These mind-blowing people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £450 or more: [![Hashrocket](https://s3.amazonaws.com/hashrocket-misc/hr_180x50.png)](https://hashrocket.com/) These spectacular people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £400 or more: * [Cargo Media](https://www.cargomedia.ch/) These incredible people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £200 or more: * Stephan Toggweiler * [The Tor Project](https://www.torproject.org/) These amazing people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £100 or more: * [Mac Mini Vault](https://www.macminivault.com/) * jpr * [Greg Sieranski](http://wonbyte.com) * [Stanley Stuart](http://fivetanley.com) * [Conor McDermottroe](http://www.mcdermottroe.com) * [Spike Grobstein](https://spike.grobste.in/) * [nonfiction studios inc.](https://nonfiction.ca/) * [Dev Fu! LLC](http://devfu.com) * [Human Made Limited](https://hmn.md/) * [Roland Moriz](https://roland.io/) * [Rob Freiburger](http://robfreiburger.com/) * [Carter Schonwald](http://www.wellposed.com) * [Andy Piper](https://andypiper.co.uk/) * [Moriah Trostler](http://www.televolve.com) * [Zach Kelling](http://whatit.is) * [Scott Densmore](http://scottdensmore.com) * [Adam Walz](http://www.adamwalz.net) * [Timo Tijhof](https://github.com/Krinkle) * [Joshua Hull](https://github.com/joshbuddy) * [Chad Catlett](http://www.chadcatlett.com/) These awesome people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £50 or more: * [Oliver Sigge](https://oliver-sigge.de/) * [grahams](https://sean-graham.com/) * [Brian Ford](http://briantford.com) * Will Froning * [Florian Eckerstorfer](http://florianeckerstorfer.com) * [Leonhard Melzer](http://foomoo.de/) * [Klaus Großmann](https://github.com/iKlaus) * [monmon](https://github.com/monmon) * [nimbly](http://nimbly.be) * [cimnine](https://cimnine.ch/) * [Greg DeAngelis](https://greg.deangel.is/) * [Johan Carlquist](https://www.rymdvarel.se/) * [Simon Lundström](https://soy.se/) * [Samir Talwar](https://samirtalwar.com/) * [John Wu](https://www.johnwu.com/) * [Jan Lehnardt](https://couchdb.apache.org/) * [Adam Auden](https://flavors.me/) * [closure.jp](http://closure.jp/) * Scott S. * [Rachel Baker](https://rachelbaker.me/) * Dominique Poulain * [Talks](http://tlks.me) * [Philipp Bosch](https://pb.io/) * [Alexandru Badiu](http://ctrlz.ro) * [Misha Manulis](http://brewbit.com) * [MrBri](http://mrbri.com) * [Marc Van Olmen](http://www.marcvanolmen.com) * [Scott Gardner](http://scotteg.com) * [Peter JC](http://peterjc.dk) * [Nathan Toups](http://rojoroboto.com) * [Fluent Globe](https://fluentglobe.com/) * [Dmitri Akatov](http://akatov.com) * [Joey Mink](https://joeymink.com/) * [MentalPower](https://mentalpower.us/) * [worldofchris](http://www.worldofchris.com) * [Joël Kuijten](http://pm5544.eu) * [William Griffiths](http://Cwmni.com) * [Paul Howard](https://github.com/pauldhoward) * [Mårten Gustafson](http://marten.gustafson.pp.se) * [Markus Heurung](https://byzero.de/markus/) * [Rajiv Aaron Manglani](https://www.rajivmanglani.com/) * Zachary Elliott * [Justin Weiss](https://www.justinweiss.com/) * Matt Dickoff * [Pivotal Ops](http://pivotallabs.com) * [William Woodall](http://williamjwoodall.com) * [Jiayong Ou](http://orly.ch) * [Joshua Peek](https://github.com/josh) * [Sifter](https://sifterapp.com/) * [Morten Bight](http://justabeech.com) * Markus Heurung * David Hardiman * [Olly Legg](https://51degrees.net/) * [Ben Darlow](https://www.darlow.eu/) * [Alexey Zakhlestin](https://github.com/indeyets) * Fernando Blat * [Adam Holt](https://adamholt.co.uk/) * Trevor Turk * [Jochen Weiland](https://jweiland.net/) * Paul Mietz Egli * Petr Olah * Ken Mayer * [Jeremy D. Frens](http://www.norecess.org/) * Peter Quade * C J Silverio * [Roddi](http://www.winkenschuerfel.de) * Jeffrey Sullivan Jr * Jonathan Borzilleri * Ethan Bruning * Nick Mixdorf * Alex Duryee * Zac Ragan * [Lane Lillquist](http://www.lillq.com) * [Robert Schmidl](https://github.com/RobRoy) * [Collective Idea](https://collectiveidea.com/) * [Freckle Time Tracking](https://letsfreckle.com/) * [Hans-Christian Otto](http://hans-christian-otto.de/) * Dan Lane * Seth Szymanski * [osh Runge](http://joshrunge.com) * Glen Hunt * [Venantius](https://www.venanti.us/) * Matt Jones * [Jen Savage](https://savagejen.github.io/) * [Trenton Schulz](https://www.norwegianrockcat.com/) * Jake Kaufman * [Hiro](http://blog.qli.jp/) * Debreczeni Barnabás * [Scott Handley](https://evomics.org/) * [Scott Lipsig](https://github.com/scottscott) * Nick Zadrozny * Mikael Roos * Stephen Eckenrode * [Kevin Sumner](https://kevinsumner.com/) * Rahul * [Nothing Interactive](https://www.nothing.ch/) * [Nick Sivo](http://nicksivo.com) * [Claus Pfisterer](https://www.apochroma.ch/) * Bob Doyle * Gabriel Boyer * Tom * Yann Lawrence * Frederick Ostrander * [David Wagner](https://noiseandheat.com/) * [Craig Labenz and Matt Kahl](http://www.Stik.com) * Alan Grosskurth These brilliant people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £15 or more: * [Brian Lalor](https://github.com/blalor) * [Aaron Ackerman](https://twitter.com/_aaronackerman_) * [Rodreegez](http://rodreegez.com) * [Stephan Diederich](https://github.com/diederich) * [Andrew Nesbitt](https://nesbitt.io/) * [Blaine Cook](http://romeda.org/) * [Raquel Hernandez](http://raquelhernandez.net) * [JD Harrington](https://twitter.com/psi) * [P.J. Onori](http://www.somerandomdude.com) * [Egbert Veenstra](http://egbert.co) * [Bramus Van Damme](https://www.bram.us/) * [Matt Vagni](https://www.twitter.com/mattvagni) * [Matt Cannon](http://www.mattcannon.co.uk) * [Dannel Jurado](http://demarko.org) * [Benjamin Esham](https://esham.io/) * [Nick Rogers](https://twitter.com/zikolas) * [Abe Estrada](https://abeestrada.com/) * [Mattias Larsson](https://www.yahoo.com/) * [Dave Ross](https://davidmichaelross.com/) * [Andrian Budantsov](https://andrian.io/) * [Jason Smith](https://twitter.com/waitingallday) * [Martin Coxall](https://twitter.com/grabcocque) * [Nick Jones](mailto:nick@dischord.org) * [Esmé Cowles](https://github.com/escowles) * [Garrett L. Ward](https://glward.net/) * [Carl Laird](http://allthingsoptimal.com) * [Mx A. Matienzo](https://matienzo.org/) * [Sean Dunn](http://www.dunns.me) * [Kara Van Malssen](https://avpreserve.com/) * [phette23](https://phette.net/) * [Jemal Cole](https://jemal.co/) * [Branden Wiegand](http://brandenwiegand.com) * [Adam Spooner](https://adamjspooner.com/) * [Evan McNulty](https://www.evanm.net/) * [Abdullah AlDwyish](https://twitter.com/adwayish) * [Simon Jodet](https://jodet.com/) * [Christian Maier](http://sieben.me) * [Justin Pecott](https://justin.pecott.net/) * [Yuya Saito](https://github.com/studiomohawk) * [jan](https://alpha.app.net/derjan) * [beanieboi](https://abwesend.com/) * [dirkr](https://niebegeg.net/) * [ouvanous](http://ouvanous.com) * [dlinsin](https://dlinsin.github.io) * [Alex Morega](https://grep.ro/) * [Chris McGrath](https://twitter.com/chrismcg) * [Ben](http://blog.bueti-online.ch) * [Ishaan Gulrajani](https://ishaan.io/) * [Horst Gutmann](https://zerokspot.com/) * [freecastle](https://freiburg.cc/) * [Hynek Schlawack](https://hynek.me/) * [aiusepsi](http://aiusepsi.co.uk) * [Stefan Borsje](https://yourkarma.com/) * [Mark Goody](http://markgoody.ie/) * [Terje Sten Bjerkseth](https://github.com/terjesb) * [Wade Winningham](http://www.updrift.com) * [Opendream](https://www.opendream.co.th/) * [Todd Grooms](http://toddgrooms.com) * Christian Savard * [Michael Novak](http://michaelnovakjr.com) * [Jon Prettyman](https://www.sprighealth.com/) * [Ruby Daily](http://rubydaily.org) * derBernd * [toolbear](http://tool-man.org/) * [S Schreiber](http://www.stevenfschreiber.com) * [Paul Bowsher](https://github.com/boffbowsh/) * [Daniel Lindsley](http://toastdriven.com/) * [Felipe Coury](https://www.gistia.com/) * [noahhendrix](https://twitter.com/noahhendrix) * [Kevin Davies](http://theausguild.org) * [Geknowm](http://geknowm.com) * [Tod Olson](https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~tod/) * [Christian Busch](https://debilux.org/) * [Victor Asteinza](http://victorasteinza.com) * [Hans N. Hjort](http://www.hansnilsson.net) * [Rachel Heaton](http://www.rmheaton.com) * [CodeCatalyst](http://codecatalyst.com/) * [Luke Karrys](https://lukekarrys.com/) * [Brandon Weiss](https://brandonweiss.me/) * [Gareth](http://gareth.com.au) * [Nate Robins](https://xmission.com/~nate) * [Jay Graves](http://doubleencore.com) * [John Wittkoski](https://github.com/jwittkoski) * [Micah Woods](https://hashrocket.com/) * [Raphael Stolt](https://raphaelstolt.blogspot.de/) * [Hatimeria](https://www.hatimeria.com/) * [Barron Bichon](http://blueplaid.net/) * [Torvos](https://www.torvos.ca/) * [Alexander Zautke](http://alexander-zautke.com) * [Sam Kelly](http://skel.ly) * [Tobias Ottenweller](https://github.com/tomco) * [Ragan Webber](Http://raganwebber.com) * [Wesley Moore](http://wezm.net/) * [pangratz](http://code418.com) * [jus](http://jus.li) * [Teng Siong Ong](https://siong1987.com/) * [Bryan Liles](https://thunderboltlabs.com/) * [Tony Pitale](https://tpitale.com/) * [Ryan Ahearn](http://rcahearn.net) * [ITerativ GmbH](https://www.iterativ.ch/) * [Brian Nelson](https://www.clientresourcesinc.com/) * [Jeff Beemn](https://jeffbeeman.com/) * [loranger](https://github.com/loranger/) * Torbjørn Vatn * [Justin Hileman](http://justinhileman.info) * [Martin Tithonium](http://martian.at/) * [Ivan De Marino](http://ivandemarino.me) * [Jørgen Tjernø](http://jorgenpt.tumblr.com) * [Peter Souter](https://github.com/petems) * Marco * [Steve McKinney](http://stephenmckinney.me) * Felix Adusei * [Richard Lee](http://dlackty.org/) * [Shane O'Grady](https://ogrady.ie/) * [Sebastian Staudt](https://koraktor.de/) * [Eric Blair](https://room45.co/) * [Andreas Behr](http://www.codedreality.com) * [Terry Churchill](http://www.doc-linux.co.uk) * [Maximilian Haack](http://3141.eu) * [Pascal Jungblut](https://pascalj.de/) * [Absolight](https://www.absolight.fr/) * [Ben Hagen](https://plus.google.com/102873090274552422645/) * [Wilbur Smith](https://twitter.com/thewilbur) * bup * [epiGenesys](https://www.epigenesys.co.uk/) * Greg Clarke * [CoEPP](http://www.coepp.org.au) * [Jérôme Foray](https://foray-jero.me/) * [bobuk](https://twitter.com/bobuk) * [Christoph Hochstrasser](https://christophh.net/) * [João Bolila](https://Bolila.com/) * [Yaroslav Markin](https://github.com/yaroslav) * [David White](https://wizardfrag.co.uk/) * Jonatan Lindström * [AYSTech Consulting](http://aystech.net) * [Josh Dick](https://joshdick.net/) * [Alexey Mirniy](https://www.linkedin.com/in/pharmazone) * [Simon Gate](Http://smgt.me) * [Josh Yaganeh](https://github.com/jyaganeh) * Dirk Kraft * [stefan crain](https://github.com/stefancrain) * [xorbyte](https://hackd.net/) * Dom * [kmcphillips](https://kevinmcphillips.ca/) * [Justin Kolberg](http://www.aelatis.com) * [Benjamin Medicke](http://benmedicke.com/) * [Hibri Marzook](https://www.hibri.net/) * [Jeremy Pinnix](http://pixelgrazer.com) * [Arne de Bree](http://www.arnedebree.nl) * [Oleksandr Skrypnyk](https://sxua.github.io/) * [Ilya Otyutskiy](https://twitter.com/thesharp) * Chris Hellmuth * Unknown Comic * Brian Miller * [Zhang Yi](https://tomodachi.name/) * [Romain Lespinasse](https://dandelion.github.io/) * [achiiive.com](http://achiiive.com) * [Michael Hawkins](https://hawkinsunlimited.com/) * [Tim Sutton](https://github.com/timsutton) * [Arne Eilermann](https://kleinerdrei.net/) * [Jeroen Seegers](http://www.jeroenseegers.com) * [Dan Karney](https://twitter.com/KarneAsada) * [James Curbo](https://www.curbo.org/) * [Mark Norman Francis](https://github.com/norm) * [Lee Brandt](http://leebrandt.me) * [Dan Ivovich](https://danivovich.com/) * [Eli Juicy Jones](http://elijones.us/) * [Daniel Hertz](https://www.dhertz.com/) * [Chuck Fouts](https://github.com/gnarl) * [Chip Warden](https://twitter.com/lgw4) * [Ethan Schoonover](https://ethanschoonover.com/) * [Chi Trung Nguyen](https://ctnguyen.net/) * [Danny Amey](https://www.dannyamey.com/) * Oscar * [Brian Pollack](http://www.protovate.com) * [Andrew Broman](https://cccultura.com/) * [Chris Metcalf](https://chrismetcalf.net/) * [smartwatermelon](https://projectinsomnia.com/) * [Ursul_polar](https://twitter.com/ursul_polar) * David Hodo * [Jeff Field](https://twitter.com/jfield) * [dholm](https://github.com/dholm) * [Chase Southard](https://southard.co/) * Paul Jenkins * [Johnneylee Jack Rollins](https://spaceghost.github.io/) * [Jose Marcelino](https://metavurt.net/) * [Adam](https://example.com/) * [François Lamboley](https://www.frostland.fr/) * [Mike Anderson](http://mrmikea.com) * [Ian Johnson](https://ialsotakephotos.com/) * Dave Coyle * Brian Fuchs * Fernando * [Denny Lee](https://dennyglee.com/) * [Ernie Hershey](http://www.ernie.org) * [Hao Gao](https://github.com/gaohao) * [Tim Gilbert](https://timgilbert.wordpress.com/) * [Keith Thompson](http://keiththomps.com) These wonderful people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £10 or more: * [Simon Rascovsky](http://teleradiologia.com) * [silsha](https://silsha.me/) * [Martin Kopischke](http://martin.kopischke.net) * [John Kary](https://johnkary.net/) * [David M. Carr](http://david.carrclan.us) * [Dale Tournemille](https://www.tournemille.com/) * [VirtualWolf](https://virtualwolf.org/) * [Lovingly Handmade Pornography](https://lovinglyhandmadepornography.com/) * [Ben Handzo](http://handzo.com) * [Jean-Philippe Sirois](https://jpsirois.com/) * [Sindre Sorhus](https://sindresorhus.com/) * [Nick Ruest](https://ruebot.net/) * [Steven Huey](https://twitter.com/stevehuey) * [Craig Bernstein](https://cwb.us/) * [Peter Murray](https://dltj.org/) * [Andrew Madsen](http://www.openreelsoftware.com) * [pb30](https://pb30.com/) * [squaredesign](https://squaredesign.com/) * [Alex Burka](https://www.alexburka.com/) * Ciarán Walsh * [Andrew Brown](http://pvalu.es) * [Bethany Sumner](http://www.bethanysumner.com/) * [Orta](http://orta.io) * [Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek](https://github.com/mgol) * [Adam C. Foltzer](https://www.acfoltzer.net/) * [Steve Hiemstra](https://www.speg.com/) * [Anton Sipos](http://www.softwarefuturism.com) * [Sergey Nebolsin](http://fedot.com) * [Dan Poltawski](http://blog.danpoltawski.co.uk) * [Dieter Komendera](https://www.komendera.com/) * [Lukas Westermann, at-point ag](https://at-point.ch/) * [Milan Cermak](http://milancermak.com) * [Sebastian Krysmanski](https://manski.net/) * [Mike Stenhouse](https://mikesten.com/) * [Alastair Stuart](https://eurotalk.com/) * [David Rekowski](https://rekowski.info/) * [Roland Leth](https://rolandleth.com/) * [Maurice Kelly](https://blog.chatswood.org.uk/) * [Daryl Spitzer](https://twitter.com/yacitus) * [Jose Peleteiro](https://peleteiro.net/) * [Mikael Hultgren](https://www.artsoftheinsane.com/) * [Richard Japenga](http://japenga.eu) * [Pierre Riteau](https://github.com/priteau) * [Nathan Vander Wilt](http://exts.ch) * [Jean-Baptiste Escoyez](https://www.inspirationfactory.be/) * [Tobias Müller](https://www.twam.info/) * [Boris Mann](https://www.bmannconsulting.com/) * [Zach A. Thomas](https://github.com/zathomas) * [Andrey Yunoshev](http://yunoshev.ru) * [David McFarland](http://www.dcmcfarland.com) * [Roland Tanglao](http://rolandtanglao.com) * [Jacob Elder](https://jacobelder.com/) * [ToWatchList](https://towatchlist.com/) * [Joshua Jabbour](https://about.me/joshuajabbour) * [Daniel Giribet](http://dani.calidos.com) * [Eric Wallmander](https://wallmander.net/) * [Teakhouten meubelen](http://teakmeubelen.nl/) * [Gerard "smeevil" de Brieder](https://www.govannon.nl/) * [Marius Ciocanel](http://mariusciocanel.com) * [David Sommers](https://davidsommers.com/) * [Ray Grasso](https://raygrasso.com/) * [Tim Uruski](http://tim.uruski.name) * [Robert Clark](https://touchtechlabs.com/) * [Wes Oldenbeuving](https://narnach.com/) * [Jon Fuller](http://erg7.com) * [PredictionIO (Open-source machine learning server)](https://prediction.io/) * Nikolaus Wittenstein * [StormMQ](http://stormmq.com/) * [Barry Hoggard](http://www.tristanmedia.com/) * [Purplish Tree](http://PurplishTree.com) * [Stefan Huber](http://signalwerk.ch/) * Julien Palmas * [Cameron Spencer](https://eusonic.com/) * [alesdotio](https://github.com/alesdotio) * [version2.io](http://version2.io) * [Jeremy Clarke](http://jeremyclarke.org) * [Dimitar Dimitrov](https://ddimitrov.name/) * [Hacker School](https://www.hackerschool.com/) * [Franklin](https://frankl.in/) * [Wes Garrison](http://databasically.com) * [Braulio Carreno](https://carreno.me/) * [Derek Croft](https://www.kiindly.com/) * [Doc Ritezel](http://ritezel.com) * [Christoph Heer](http://christophheer.me) * [Kuba Suder](https://mackuba.eu/) * [Jason Garber](https://sixtwothree.org/) * [Alejandro Caceres](http://punkspider.hyperiongray.com) * [Slobodan Miskovic](https://miskovic.ca/) * [Kurt Ostergaard](https://KurtOstergaard.com/) * [Simply Business](https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/) * [Tate Johnson](https://tatey.com/) * [Gerry Cardinal III](http://gerrycardinal.com/) * [Andrew Kalek](https://anlek.com/) * [Bryan Coe](http://www.BryanACoe.com) * 360 Virtual Tours * [James Turnbull](https://www.kartar.net/) * [Dominic Morgan](https://d3r.com/) * [Mario Witte](http://www.mariowitte.com) * [Studio NAND](https://www.nand.io/) * [Per Sandström](https://www.helloper.com/) * [Jochen Schäfer](https://www.joschs-robotics.de/) * [Jökull Sólberg Auðunsson](https://www.solberg.is/) * [kolpax](http://kolpax.io) * [Matt Davis](https://penandpants.com/) * [Scott Chamberlain](https://ropensci.org/) * [Jaehoon You](https://github.com/teslamint) * [Wayne Robinson](http://www.wayne-robinson.com) * [Kitt Hodsden](https://kitt.hodsden.org/) * [Justin Johnson](https://justinjohnson.org/) * [David Cristofaro](https://dtcristo.com/) * Steve Salkin * [Kristopher Johnson](http://undefinedvalue.com/) * [Kumar McMillan](https://twitter.com/kumar303) * [Brannon Sherry](http://code-junkie.com) * [Neo Innovation - Lean Consultancy](https://neo.com/) * [Jeff Warner](http://www.stormysoftware.com) * [Jeremy Walker](http://www.ihid.co.uk) * [Michael Sanders](http://msanders.com) * [Zulfiqar Ali](https://www.simplerses.com/) * [Josh Hepworth](https://friendsoftheweb.com/) * [Michael Dippery](http://monkey-robot.com/) * [Jonathan Beavers](https://jon4than.com/) * [Jason Nourse](http://jasonnourse.com) * [cj little](http://cjlittle.com) * [Nicholas Mott](http://www.discovilante.com) * [Jean-Luc Geering](https://www.ufirstgroup.com/) * [Ingo Kampe](https://kreuzwerker.de/) * [Jason Rasmussen](http://www.sourcefire.com) * [Reni Margold](http://renimargold.com) * [Jacopo](https://github.com/dedalusj) * [Incremental Productions Ltd](https://www.incremental.co.uk/) * [condero Aktiengesellschaft](https://www.condero.com/) * [Mintrus](http://mintrus.com) * [Ezekiel Templin](https://zeke.templ.in/) * [Matt Robinson](https://www.lazycat.org/) * [Greg Kaufman](https://gregkaufman.com/) * [Chris Wilkes](https://github.com/cwilkes) * [Maven Security Consulting](https://www.mavensecurity.com/) * [Christopher Vander Poel](http://www.wlvrn.com) * [Weiyin LIANG](http://pyology.com) * [Epic Awesome](https://epicawesome.co/) * [Evan Oxfeld](https://twitter.com/evanoxfeld) * [Alexander Lash](https://alexla.sh/) * [Ferran Selles](http://www.nulltrace.com) * [Rick Companje](https://www.companje.nl/) * [Alexander Zubko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU) * [Iain Beeston](https://iainbeeston.com/) * [Geoff Bowers](https://www.daemon.com.au/) * [Logan Cox](https://lo5an.com/) * [Helmwind](http://helmwind.com) * [José Tiburcio Ribeiro Netto](http://mineiro.org) * [Cloudier](https://www.cloudier.com/) * [Adam Merrifield](https://seydesign.com/) * [Alan Chiang](http://itsnotvalid.com) * Ralf Norbert Sooth * [Cameron Tod](https://camerontod.com/) * [Paul McLanahan](https://pmac.io/) * [Lance Ulmer](http://lanceulmer.com) * [Thomas Jachmann](http://thomasjachmann.com) * [Jonathan Foster](https://fostertheweb.com/) * [Diogo Neves](http://diogoneves.com) * [Arvy](https://www.codingepiphany.com/) * [James Pellerano](http://jamespellerano.com) * [Birger J. Nordølum](http://mindtooth.no) * [Bob Saska](https://r35.net/) * [Michael McCarthy](https://github.com/mikeycmccarthy) * [Scott Courtney](https://www.sinenomine.net/) * [Courtney Wilburn](http://blog.cjwilburn.com) * [Gregory Man](https://github.com/gregory-m) * [Sean Porter](http://seanporter.com) * [Jerome Glacken](http://www.jeromeglacken.com) * Chris Severs * [Joacim Löwgren](http://www.jorum.se) * [Shawn Price](https://shawnprice.com/) * [Dominick LoBraico](http://dominick.me) * [Denis Wolf](https://deniswolf.net/) These lovely people supported our Kickstarter by giving us £5 or more: * Lasse Bang Mikkelsen * Greg Leppert * Peter Manser * Edd Hannay * Jonathan Halcrow * Aaron Malone * Jonic Linley * richardjburton.com * Lukas Spieß * Alicia Cozine * Tieg Zaharia * Nicholas Friederich * Jeremy Weathers * Jed Meade * Wayne Pan * Christopher Wright * Patrick Armstrong * Lance Ivy * Vaughan Thomas * Paul Hoffman * Chris Black * Kevin Cupp * Andrew Cornett * Jörn Huxhorn * Janosch Hildebrand * Andrew Janke * D. Kevin Stilwell Jr. * Kent Holloway * Michał Pluciński * Martial Michel * Jay McGavren * Michael Salmon * Olivier Saut * Max Seelemann * Frans van Camp * Leif Bladt * David Reynolds * Ulrich Petri * Justin Falcone * Damien Klinnert * Rob Stinogle * Luke Campbell * Stan Mazurek * Chris van Es * Kai Wells * Kevin Clark * Sven Aas * David Kapp * Sean Knox * Peter Jaros * Shaun Jackman * Alex Koloskov * Richard Eriksson * Eric Wolter * Stefan Daschek * Joel Gerhold * Rubens Altimari * Adrian Sampson * Mark Schabacker * Alexey Popov * Joan Wolkerstorfer * Robbie Tingey * Sittipon Simasanti * Lucian Cesca * Alpha Chen * Adam Duracz * Christoph Pojer * Jason Wells * Manuel Binna * Tomek Paczkowski * Jamie Oliver * Hirotsugu Asari * anasazy * Mike Boers * Brad Wright * Max Shishkin * Keaton Mowery * Wes Hargrove * Jon Austin * Joey Stanford * Giovanni Angoli * Fukuball Lin * orip * Christian Maughan Tegnér * ChristianGeek * Kevin Toppel * Mark Rogerson * Anna Gerber * Matthew Billings * Kevin Dew * Pelle Wessman * Timothée Peignier * Andrea Lattuada * Mirko Caserta * Dan Drabik * Ferdinand Salis-Samaden * Rob Staenke * Marko Soikkeli * Alexander Tarmolov * Adam Neuwirth * Phillip Lawler * Superbil * Aaron Suggs * Nikolaj Brandt Jensen * Sven Lito * Seth Fitzsimmons * Jeroen Houtzager * Daniel Kempkens * kilsey * Ioann Maria * Alex Nelson * Fergal Hainey * KJA * Tsz Ming WONG * Balázs Pete * Raúl Marcos Lorenzo * Federico "sQuEE" Sun * Christopher Gateley * Mark S. C. Smith * Tim O'Brien * Joshua Conner * Lucas Dohmen * Joe VanAndel * Gabriel Harrison * Nicolas Crowell * joch_n * Ralph Reijs Nachum * Kyle Miller * Anonymous * Sam Sellars * Phil B. * John Duprey * mike smith * carla capps * Sergey Timoshin * con-f-use * Urban Blom * Calle Englund * Stephen Childs * Ben Plantinga * Dorian Kernytsky * Michael Henretty * Bill Rafferty * Princess Lilian in Memoriam * Shlok Datye * Thierry Hayoz * Mark Paschal * Matt Vanderpol * W. Evan Sheehan * Kristian Söderholm * Hunter Shedlock * Iraquitan Cordeiro Filho * Charlie Fulton * Andrew Kent * Andreas M. Nilsson * Remon Georgy * Rob Newman * Gossie * Ivy Tsai * cmchap * Gaëtan Gueraud * Thomas Coudray * Karl Thiebolt * Suti * shazow * Keenan Brock * Kyle T. Mandli * Robert Anderson * T.J. Simmons * M Stallman * @staticnull * Asbjørn Ulsberg * Tobias Stehle * Glenn Ian Baker * Quintin Pan * Matt White * Hugo Vincent * @lmjabreu * Joe Sheehan * Park Jaeku * Matthew Mirande * Arnaud * Cyriel van 't End * Robert Parini * Fiann O'Hagan * Dan Morrow * Liam Jones * Tony Fernandez * Arizona Edwards * Asaf Ary