Command Line ============ Global Config ------------- You can get command help via `pyspider --help` and `pyspider all --help` for subcommand help. global options work for all subcommands. ``` Usage: pyspider [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... A powerful spider system in python. Options: -c, --config FILENAME a json file with default values for subcommands. {“webui”: {“port”:5001}} --logging-config TEXT logging config file for built-in python logging module [default: pyspider/pyspider/logging.conf] --debug debug mode --queue-maxsize INTEGER maxsize of queue --taskdb TEXT database url for taskdb, default: sqlite --projectdb TEXT database url for projectdb, default: sqlite --resultdb TEXT database url for resultdb, default: sqlite --message-queue TEXT connection url to message queue, default: builtin multiprocessing.Queue --amqp-url TEXT [deprecated] amqp url for rabbitmq. please use --message-queue instead. --beanstalk TEXT [deprecated] beanstalk config for beanstalk queue. please use --message-queue instead. --phantomjs-proxy TEXT phantomjs proxy ip:port --data-path TEXT data dir path --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit. ``` #### --config Config file is a JSON file with config values for global options or subcommands (a sub-dict named after subcommand). [example](/Deployment/#configjson) ``` json { "taskdb": "mysql+taskdb://username:password@host:port/taskdb", "projectdb": "mysql+projectdb://username:password@host:port/projectdb", "resultdb": "mysql+resultdb://username:password@host:port/resultdb", "message_queue": "amqp://username:password@host:port/%2F", "webui": { "username": "some_name", "password": "some_passwd", "need-auth": true } } ``` #### --queue-maxsize Queue size limit, 0 for not limit #### --taskdb, --projectdb, --resultdb ``` mysql: mysql+type://user:passwd@host:port/database sqlite: # relative path sqlite+type:///path/to/database.db # absolute path sqlite+type:////path/to/database.db # memory database sqlite+type:// mongodb: mongodb+type://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]] more: couchdb: couchdb+type://[username:password@]host[:port] sqlalchemy: sqlalchemy+postgresql+type://user:passwd@host:port/database sqlalchemy+mysql+mysqlconnector+type://user:passwd@host:port/database more: local: local+projectdb://filepath,filepath type: should be one of `taskdb`, `projectdb`, `resultdb`. ``` #### --message-queue ``` rabbitmq: amqp://username:password@host:5672/%2F see redis: redis://host:6379/db redis://host1:port1,host2:port2,...,hostn:portn (for redis 3.x in cluster mode) kombu: kombu+transport://userid:password@hostname:port/virtual_host see builtin: None ``` #### --phantomjs-proxy The phantomjs proxy address, you need a phantomjs installed and running phantomjs proxy with command: [`pyspider phantomjs`](#phantomjs). #### --data-path SQLite database and counter dump files saved path all --- ``` Usage: pyspider all [OPTIONS] Run all the components in subprocess or thread Options: --fetcher-num INTEGER instance num of fetcher --processor-num INTEGER instance num of processor --result-worker-num INTEGER instance num of result worker --run-in [subprocess|thread] run each components in thread or subprocess. always using thread for windows. --help Show this message and exit. ``` one --- ``` Usage: pyspider one [OPTIONS] [SCRIPTS]... One mode not only means all-in-one, it runs every thing in one process over tornado.ioloop, for debug purpose Options: -i, --interactive enable interactive mode, you can choose crawl url. --phantomjs enable phantomjs, will spawn a subprocess for phantomjs --help Show this message and exit. ``` **NOTE: WebUI is not running in one mode.** In `one` mode, results will be written to stdout by default. You can capture them via `pyspider one > result.txt`. #### [SCRIPTS] The script file path of projects. Project status is RUNNING, `rate` and `burst` can be set via script comments: ``` # rate: 1.0 # burst: 3 ``` When SCRIPTS is set, `taskdb` and `resultdb` will use a in-memory sqlite db by default (can be overridden by global config `--taskdb`, `--resultdb`). on_start callback will be triggered on start. #### -i, --interactive With interactive mode, pyspider will start an interactive console asking what to do in next loop of process. In the console, you can use: ``` python crawl(url, project=None, **kwargs) Crawl given url, same parameters as BaseHandler.crawl url - url or taskid, parameters will be used if in taskdb project - can be omitted if only one project exists. quit_interactive() Quit interactive mode quit_pyspider() Close pyspider ``` You can use `pyspider.libs.utils.python_console()` to open an interactive console in your script. bench ----- ``` Usage: pyspider bench [OPTIONS] Run Benchmark test. In bench mode, in-memory sqlite database is used instead of on-disk sqlite database. Options: --fetcher-num INTEGER instance num of fetcher --processor-num INTEGER instance num of processor --result-worker-num INTEGER instance num of result worker --run-in [subprocess|thread] run each components in thread or subprocess. always using thread for windows. --total INTEGER total url in test page --show INTEGER show how many urls in a page --help Show this message and exit. ``` scheduler --------- ``` Usage: pyspider scheduler [OPTIONS] Run Scheduler, only one scheduler is allowed. Options: --xmlrpc / --no-xmlrpc --xmlrpc-host TEXT --xmlrpc-port INTEGER --inqueue-limit INTEGER size limit of task queue for each project, tasks will been ignored when overflow --delete-time INTEGER delete time before marked as delete --active-tasks INTEGER active log size --loop-limit INTEGER maximum number of tasks due with in a loop --scheduler-cls TEXT scheduler class to be used. --help Show this message and exit. ``` #### --scheduler-cls set this option to use customized Scheduler class phantomjs --------- ``` Usage: phantomjs [OPTIONS] [ARGS]... Run phantomjs fetcher if phantomjs is installed. Options: --phantomjs-path TEXT phantomjs path --port INTEGER phantomjs port --auto-restart TEXT auto restart phantomjs if crashed --help Show this message and exit. ``` #### ARGS Addition args pass to phantomjs command line. fetcher ------- ``` Usage: pyspider fetcher [OPTIONS] Run Fetcher. Options: --xmlrpc / --no-xmlrpc --xmlrpc-host TEXT --xmlrpc-port INTEGER --poolsize INTEGER max simultaneous fetches --proxy TEXT proxy host:port --user-agent TEXT user agent --timeout TEXT default fetch timeout --fetcher-cls TEXT Fetcher class to be used. --help Show this message and exit. ``` #### --proxy Default proxy used by fetcher, can been override by `self.crawl` option. [DOC](apis/self.crawl/#fetch) processor --------- ``` Usage: pyspider processor [OPTIONS] Run Processor. Options: --processor-cls TEXT Processor class to be used. --help Show this message and exit. ``` result_worker ------------- ``` Usage: pyspider result_worker [OPTIONS] Run result worker. Options: --result-cls TEXT ResultWorker class to be used. --help Show this message and exit. ``` webui ----- ``` Usage: pyspider webui [OPTIONS] Run WebUI Options: --host TEXT webui bind to host --port INTEGER webui bind to host --cdn TEXT js/css cdn server --scheduler-rpc TEXT xmlrpc path of scheduler --fetcher-rpc TEXT xmlrpc path of fetcher --max-rate FLOAT max rate for each project --max-burst FLOAT max burst for each project --username TEXT username of lock -ed projects --password TEXT password of lock -ed projects --need-auth need username and password --webui-instance TEXT webui Flask Application instance to be used. --help Show this message and exit. ``` #### --cdn JS/CSS libs CDN service, URL must compatible with [cdnjs]( #### --fetcher-rpc XML-RPC path URI for fetcher XMLRPC server. If not set, use a Fetcher instance. #### --need-auth If true, all pages require username and password specified via `--username` and `--password`.